Storefront Menu list

Design > Menu

Menu is the links displayed in the top right corner in the storefront by following which the customer can quickly go to some important pages in the store. A list of these links is given on the page.

  • To remove a menu link click on the delete button
  • To edit a menu link click on the edit button
  • To add a menu link use the + button.

fill in the following fields:

- Unique ID - ;

- Text - link name, displayed in the storefront;

- Link - link to the page in the store where customers should be taken;

- Parent - choose whether it will be a root level menu or it will be assigned to some menu;

- Sort Order - Sort Order set's the order of which the menu link will be displayed amongst others.

- Icon - select image to display near menu text on storefront. Note: not all templates support this. ;

For better usability you can use following tools:

Link to Category

Link to Page

This will automatically insert correct category or content page link to the Link field. Select category from "Link to Category" drop-down list and click LINK button

After you have made your changes, select the save button.